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Cím Motorola Atrix 4G MB860 HSUPA rendszerfrissítés
Kiadás 2011 Apr 29
Verzió 4.1.83
Szerző Motorola
Kategória:   ROM frissítés

További információkTovábbi információk: 

Leírás angolul
Data speed update for Motorola Atrix 4G MB860 System Update


Data Speed Increased: HSUPA enabled
Data Connection Improvements to prevent interruptions to data connection.
Screen Improvements to prevent screen from freezing.
Email Improved ability for users to receive email notifications so you know when you have a new message.
Logins you are now able to use the same email login to access both MOTOBLUR™ and YouTube.
Skype Improvements to call audio function so it is easier for the person you called to hear you.
Wi-Fi Increased functionality by enabling Yahoo Email to be sent over a Wi-Fi connection.
Display Improved International Roaming Warning Message by simplifying user notification so that it only appears on the screen when you move to a new network.
Happenings Widget Improved Happenings Widget to ensure that you receive the latest updates across the social networks you are connected to such as Facebook, MySpace, and Twitter.
Calling Improvements were made to incoming and outgoing call functionality to ensure a more seamless experience.
További információ URL

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Hozzáadva 2011-05-07 09:08
Jelenleg itt tartózkodsz: ROM frissítés \ Motorola Atrix 4G MB860 HSUPA rendszerfrissítés 4.1.83 adatlap