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Cím Palm Pre 2 WebOS 2.1.0 OTA rendszerfrissítés
Kiadás 2011 Jun 23
Verzió N/A
Szerző Verizon Wireless
Kategória:   ROM frissítés

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Leírás angolul
The System Update 2.1.0 is currently available for the Pre 2 by Verizon Wireless


Exhibition gives you access to special applications that optimize use of the smartphone while it is placed on an HP Touchstone charging dock. The apps include Time (clock app), Photos (photo slide show), and Agenda (agenda view). Exhibition turns on automatically when you place your smartphone on a Touchstone charging dock. When the smartphone is not on a charging dock, you can manually turn on Exhibition from the Launcher.

Voice Dial

You can now dial contacts using your voice by launching the Voice Dial application. Voice dialing can also be initiated by pressing and holding the volume button at any time, or by tapping and holding on the Phone dial pad.
Support for Bluetooth keyboards!

Backup changes

Information backed up to your Palm profile now includes call history entries, text messages, and instant messages. Note that multimedia messages are not backed up.

Email fixes

If you download a music file that you received as an email attachment, the file name appears correctly after downloading.
Email messages containing multiple replies appear with the replies correctly separated and formatted.
This release fixes an issue where email message body text in POP email accounts was not being downloaded to the smartphone.


If you restore a Palm profile that includes one or more messaging accounts, the status icon showing your availability in Messaging appears correctly.


Thumbnail images appear correctly for images in the Wallpapers album.


If you search for a task or a task list by typing the name, the search term can begin with a symbol


This release addresses a number of security issues with HP webOS software.
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Adatok integritásaAz adatlap integritási szintje meghatározza a közzétett adatok részletességét, megbízhatóságát. A végleges adatlapokat lehetőleg nem módosulnak.  Előzetes
Hozzáadva 2011-06-26 12:27
Jelenleg itt tartózkodsz: ROM frissítés \ Palm Pre 2 WebOS 2.1.0 OTA rendszerfrissítés adatlap